Detox season has kicked off once again and it’s great to hear people’s success and struggles while going through it.

Even a bad day is a good thing as it exposes what you could have done better so you can make adjustments for next time.

Sticking to a diet for 21 days is hard. But the more you practice, the better you get at it.

And the more times you do the 21 Day Detox, the healthier you get each time. It’s a great investment in your health.

With the 21 Day Detox the focus is on restricting certain foods and eating others instead. It’s a big difference for many people but does wonders for your health and can create fat loss in a short space of time.

But there’s another side to any detox program. A dark side.

It’s all good restricting some foods which may be causing you problems, but have you considered environmental toxicity or toxic personal care and cleaning products?

Did you know the body stores excess toxins in the fat?

Did you know these toxins are not just stored in fat around the organs and throughout the body, but on the legs as cellulite and even around the brain?

There are many things around the home and office which can cause problems with people, and we are often completely unsure of why we are getting weird symptoms.

Toxins can be breathed in and absorbed into the skin, often without you thinking about it.
Awareness is the first step.

So here’s a few things to consider.

The Kitchen

What kind of detergent are you using?
Is it chemical based or plant based?

Are you using a microwave?
These things are banned in many countries.

Do you use aluminium or non-stick cookware?
Aluminium can leach into your foods and the Teflon coating from non-stick frypans will scratch off with even the most careful users.

Is your food organic?
Food quality isn’t great due to overuse of pesticides, but choosing organic meat as a minimum is highly recommended.

We’re made mostly of water, so make sure you are using some kind of filter.
We all know there are chemicals in our tap water, some of which may be recycled. We don’t really know what’s in it or where it came from, and that’s scary.

The Bathroom

Does your deodorant or anti-perspirant contain aluminium or propylene glycol?
Are there other ingredients you have no idea what they are?

Putting chemicals under your arm and on your skin can cause them to be absorbed into the skin, and this can make the body store the bad stuff under the skin.

What’s in your soap, body lotion and skin care products?
The skin is the largest organ in the body and absorbs a ton of stuff, so again, be careful what goes on it.

Have you looked for chemical free makeup?
Again, it’s going on the skin and can get absorbed and lead to a toxic system.

The Laundry

Are you using washing detergent and fabric softeners that have questionable ingredients?
There are natural alternatives.

Do you store your house cleaning products in the laundry?
I do, and I hate the smell of the chemical based stuff if I have to use them.

There are natural alternatives around, including vinegar which is great for cleaning many things.

Your Workplace

Freshly laid carpet will release chemicals into the air and really needs a long time to tone down. This can cause headaches in some people who are sensitive to it.

Offices with no open windows often have much lower air quality than somewhere you can open windows.
If this is like your workplace, duck outside for some fresh air as often as you can.

If you work outside or in a workshop, what are you exposed to?
Is there cleaning products or chemicals around?
Are you using your PPE?

I grew up in my Dads workshop and I know there was a ton of stuff in there that may have contributed to my getting sick.

Spray paints, petrol cleaners and lots of dust were a few of the culprits.

If you work on a building site or even work in an old building, asbestos can be around and we know there’s issues there.

Rather than panicking and trying to fix everything right now, just slowly work through it.

Addressing these toxins is especially important if you are sick or have excess weight you are struggling to shift despite your best efforts.

By not adding toxins to your body, it has a better chance of detoxifying itself, so you get a detox without doing anything.

Our body is one large detoxifying unit and when healthy, can use its energy for more fun stuff.

I want you to have a handout I use called The CHEK Toxic Home & Office checklist.

You can work through things at your own pace, or if you think it’s garbage you can just ignore it.

You can download it here: The Toxic Home and Office Checklist

For some people, just addressing these things will cause major improvement in your health. I know this firsthand and am still working through things one at a time.

Hope it helps you as it helped me.

If you want more guidance on foods for fat loss and a personal nutrition program to support your training, take our 2 week free trial to our Bootcamp and let us help you reach whatever goal you choose.

Just call 0430 558 177 or sign up in the orange box above and we’ll get you started ASAP.

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