That is today’s question.
Makes you think about cutting out all your favourite foods and just eating bird seed and cardboard.
No one wants that.
So today I present you with the other alternative.
Instead of first cutting things out of your diet, I challenge you to start adding things into your current diet.
I’m not saying you don’t need to cut out ice cream, chocolate etc. I’m just saying start by adding some good stuff in.
By doing this you will start to feel more energized, you may sleep better and you may start losing weight.
You might then be ready to cut some of those treat foods out or at least cut back on the frequency of eating them or the quantity.
You may also start to notice how good you feel eating certain foods you have added in and that then becomes a new habit for you.
It’s all about creating healthy habits.
The more healthy habits you have, the easier the weight falls off or stays away.
So what should you add in?
More Leafy Greens
Eat a ton of silverbeet, cabbage, different varieties of lettuce or other leaves, spinach, Brussel sprouts, kale, as well as plenty of cauliflower and broccoli.
These guys are all from the same family and all fill you up quick as well as providing vital nutrients that make you feel good.
A Multivitamin
Hopefully you are already taking one of these guys.
They are great for picking up the slack from our diets.
I use the Energy Revitalization System powder and have done for several years. I’ve also used Greens + which is a greens powder and that’s good too, but just make sure you are taking something!
More Variety
We often stick to what we know and what is easy.
Some stats came out a while back that most people only eat 20 foods on a regular basis. That’s not great variety.
You’ve got to try new things and rotate your foods a little more. You can improve your health just by eating nature’s natural medicine – FOOD. So go try artichoke or purple carrots or different varieties of potato, whatever.
Organic Meats
Animals on organic farms are fed organic feed, so they don’t collect the chemicals and pollutants found in commercial crops and livestock. Eat some at 2 meals a day, minimum.
Yes, it costs a little more, but you can pay for quality food or you can pay the doctor. Either way, you still end up spending the same amount of money. And it’s no longer that hard to find.
Nuts and Seeds
Don’t just stick with almonds. Add in cashews, macadamias, brazils, pecans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, etc.
Choose a different one to eat each day so you are exposed to the extra nutrients each one provides. It also allows you to figure out if any of those nuts or seeds don’t agree with you.
Peanuts and pistachios are left out of this list as they can pick up fungus and fungal infections are hard to get rid of. Better to avoid them in the first place.
Himalayan or Celtic Salt
Go to town on this stuff. It’s full of minerals that make you feel good, keep your electrolyte balance good, and it makes everything taste better.
Especially add a pinch of salt to your water. It will digest better and you’ll absorb more water, rather than running to the toilet every 5 minutes.
This last one is more of a lifestyle habit, but once you do it eating healthy is so much easier.
Get Your Food Delivered
Usually delivery is free. Which means you aren’t paying extra for it. You also aren’t having to spend the time going through the supermarket.
You can even have a set order delivered to you each week so you don’t even think about it. If the healthy food is in your house, you are far more likely to eat it.
Go apply some or all of these things and watch your body change.
You’d be surprised how much of a difference it makes, especially in the long term.
I want to live for a long time and be able to move well into my 60s, 70’s and 80’s.
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